Wednesday, 24 April 2013

the old post office

So the title of this post isn't creative what so ever, today I packed up my family and we went hunting for the perfect location to shoot this outfit and you guessed it, we ended up at an old post office. I have had this outfit planned out for 6 months now and finally got to photograph it! let me know what you think.

I've been leaving the edges exposed on a few of my recent op shop finds, partly because of laziness but also  I like the contrast between the floral and the fray.

Thanks for stopping by! I am pleased to say I have another post ready to upload soon and my birthday is coming up so you'll be seeing that too!

Danneke xx


  1. Great photos, the environment is different there... :-)

  2. love your dress, looks so cute on you! And wow, that location is so pretty, love it! :)

    1. thanks! im so glad you stopped by my blog :)
