Wednesday, 25 September 2013

I'm Back!

I have finally re-entered the blogosphere after what seems like forever. I am very excited to share with you from my latest trip to Melbourne. There will be many snaps to come of outfits as I went a bit shopping crazy after a 5 or so month drought from buying clothes (I was practically shaking towards the end). Here is a little photo diary to get you started.

( I had to hold my purse to strategically hide a chocolate stain)

I couldn't resist the last pic, HA! Anyway I  hope you enjoyed and I'll be seeing you very soon!

Danneke xx

Sunday, 26 May 2013

New Dress

Okay my birthday  was over a week ago so I have been a bit slack but here is the first of a few birthday posts, this one is a dress I got from cotton on. Instead of getting me a present, this year my parents took me to the city to choose a present, I GOT DOC MARTENS! I have been wanting these mary janes for a while now and now that I have them, occasionally i just stop to stare at my feet they are that perfect. I am in front of the camera for once but unfortunately my sister cut off my feet in the photos but you will definitely be seeing alot more of them.

.dress-cotton on//jacket-op shop//shoes-doc martens.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


It was my birthday the other day and I insisted that we do a photo shoot when the sun was setting. My sister recently got these shorts from a garage sale and they are so cute! I am going to the city tomorrow to spend the money I received for my birthday so you will be seeing that for sure. I hope you like the photos.

let me know what you think xx

Friday, 3 May 2013


OK, this is the first time in ages that i have actually had myself in the pictures (usually my sister so kindly poses for me). I am self concious but I had to share this playsuit with you. I got it from the most lovely shop verge girl in the last holidays.

I am so in love with this bag I couldn't chuck it out.

thanks for visiting!please leave a comment and let me know what you think. 

Danneke xx

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

the old post office

So the title of this post isn't creative what so ever, today I packed up my family and we went hunting for the perfect location to shoot this outfit and you guessed it, we ended up at an old post office. I have had this outfit planned out for 6 months now and finally got to photograph it! let me know what you think.

I've been leaving the edges exposed on a few of my recent op shop finds, partly because of laziness but also  I like the contrast between the floral and the fray.

Thanks for stopping by! I am pleased to say I have another post ready to upload soon and my birthday is coming up so you'll be seeing that too!

Danneke xx

Sunday, 7 April 2013

90's inspiration

Okay, I am a little obsessed with the 90's at the moment, watching friends, listing to the cure, jelly sandles and doc martens, if I could go back in time I would! I have also been trying to channel that into some things I'm designing, some of which can be seen in my last post. I realize I have been extremely slack lately, I would love to do an outfit post and believe me I have a few lined up but my sister has taken our only camera to Vietnam on a holiday. So anyway here is some of my inspiration:

Danneke xx

Ps: follow me on Instagram to get to know me better! My username is danneke4

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Some Designs

Alrighty, so I finally am uploading some of my designs. the designs were originally inspired by the 90's as I am in love with all things from that time, I may have differed a bit from the theme because I tend to get distracted and also i just start drwing straight form my head. The university course I want to do (the year after next) requires a portfolio so I have begun work on some designs wich will hopefully end up as actual clothes that i can photograph and share with you! but thats a long way off so for now here are a few designs.



I also tried my hand at some menswear because its somethiing i hadn't thought much about before.

I am looking forward to my next post wich will be some of my inspiration, and then hopefully an outfit post! all depending if i can get through the mass influx of assignments im getting and if this crazy weather settles down. thanks for reading.
Danneke Xx