Sunday, 13 January 2013

Interview: The tale of two buttons (!!!!)

I can't begin to explain my excitement about this interview. Jane and Emily are the authors of the fabulous blog The tale of two buttons. Their whimsical style has captivated over 200 followers. The girls not only have amazing taste, but they are a delight to interview. I was smiling the whole time I was reading their answers, they truly are lovely! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did, and check out their blog! 

   What blogs and magazines inspire you the most with your style?
        Jane:  I spend way too much money on magazines…. My favourite New Zealand one is Fashion Quarterly, but I love Yen, Frankie and Russh. Perfection.
        Emily: I have said before, DOLLY is my bible! But I've read some of Jane’s collection too and what can I say? Love.
        Both: Blog-wise we covet all of Isabella from Views of Now’s outfits and Margaret from Shine By Three seems to get everything just right all the time. Australia is winning at life (Emily’s words). Making Magique, Harriet Alderson, Blondists and Floral Children are also our faves.

 What hobbies or interests do you have other than fashion?
        Emily: I'm a girl scout, and I love tramping in my spare time. Kidding! I have played flute and piano for years! I play netball, touch, go for runs (well sometimes)! Plus I love all our other platforms, and I love retail therapy – but then who doesn't?
        Jane: I love photography, I run (more than me says Emily), I play sports, but nothing serious, just usually whatever everyone else is doing. I play piano really averagely and I am a total fangirl when it comes to music.

 What is the one thing you can’t live without?
       Jane: Mango
       Emily: IPhone. Or my brain

 If you could have lived in any decade which one would you choose, and why?
        Emily: Maybe 2030 where we wear metallics, space suits and mirrored glasses!
        Jane: I really like the decade we live in now. Can I say that? Maybe the nineties though, I think they had cool clothes.

  Do you have a favourite quote that inspires you?
     Jane- I have a really long poem that is pinned on my notice board at home.

'Everyone who terrifies you is sixty-five percent water. 
And everyone you love is made of stardust, and I know sometimes
you cannot even breathe deeply, and
 the night sky is no home, and
you have cried yourself to sleep enough times
that you are down to your last two percent, but nothing is infinite,
not even loss. You are made of the sea and the stars, and one day
 you are going to find yourself again.'  
       Emily: Yess! I love that one too!
 What music are you listening to at the moment?
       Jane: Loving The Maccabees, Bombay Bicycle Club, Birdy and Lana Del Rey right now. Bon Iver is always one of my favourites and so is The xx. Oh, and The National! Some old-school stuff is cool too like Jimi Hendrix. Music is a really difficult question because I love so much stuff, it’s insane.
       Emily: Honestly, Jane and I are complete polar opposites when it comes to music! It makes playlists really hard… At the moment I love Taylor Swift, her album is cool, and I love Of Monsters and Men – particularly _________. I also love Ellie Goulding and Ruby Frost

 What are your hopes and dreams for yourselves and The Tale of Two Buttons?
      Emily: World Domination? Well we have some cool things planned this year, and lots of outfit posts ideas, interviews and getting our blog out there to more people!
      Jane: Fashion Week would be the ultimate goal, but that won’t probably be for a long time yet. I think turning our blog into something that we absolutely love would be awesome too, and having it always growing.
 Do you have any advice for aspiring bloggers on how to get noticed and have a top notch blog?
Jane: Errrrr…. (imagine a long silence)……. Network? Post cool stuff. People like cool stuff.
Emily: Being original always is a winner even though that is super difficult! Like Jane said use all different platforms to connect with new people and be polite! That ones a winner!

Well, I hope you enjoyed that. Hopefully something I will do something soon that is blog worthy. make sure to look at The tale of two buttons!

xx Danneke

Saturday, 12 January 2013

op shop 1

Without doubt, op shopping is my favourite pass time. I love knowing that what I wear can't be found in other shops. I know it's not easy for some people but if you persist and be a bit creative you should get some great finds. Many of the things I look at I think, 'cut the sleeves' or 'change that', I'm actually a regular visitor to the mens section because you never know what you'll find! Here are a few of my favourite op shop pieces.

This fish was $8, I am a bit random sometimes (plates, cups, fish, etc.)

Both of these jeans are high waisted, I bought them with the intention of turning them into shorts but now I like them long.  

This is one of my favourite bags, it goes with everything and holds all my things. When I first brought this home I found $5 and a boarding pass from 1997 inside!

I only bought this yesterday, I'm planning to wear it with high waisted jeans.

The greatest this salvo's ever did was $3 shoes. The brand is Josef Seibel, I looked it up when I got home and found that none of the shoes were below $100 and many were over $200!

Shirts would be the number 1 thing I buy at op shops, the one on the left was one of my first and greatest finds, made in Germany,  the middle one is velvet (my current obsession), and the last is a lovely shade of lavender.

I hope you enjoyed my latest post, I have something planned that I will hopefully get to soon. 

xx Danneke

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Smaller Things

What outfit is complete without the perfect accesories? Here are a few of my favourite bits and pieces.

Necklaces are a perfect way to add a little something extra to an outfit or they can be a statement piece.
1. lifeline op-shop 2. $5 Lovisa(clearance store) 3. my mums 4. $29 Dotti

Bracelets are one of my favourite accesories, they can be simple by wearing one or they can stand out by having multiple bracelets worn thogether.
1. from overseas 2. $3 Lovisa (clearance store) 3. $20 Diva 4. $10 Diva

Sunglasses, I usually wouldn't wear sunglasses all that often but in this Autralian heat, at the moment they are required.
1. $20 Diva 2. $20 Equip

I am a lover of perfume, i must admit. Overall I own more than 17, eccesive I know, but sometimes they smell so good (or look so good) it really is essential that I purchase them.
1. Baby by Gwen Stefani $45 most chemists 2. Baby (wicked style) by Gwen Stefani $45 Giant Chemist 3. This one I've had for longer than I can remember. It's from a french perfumerie called Fragrantica, sadly they don't make it anymore. 4. Daisy by Marc Jacobs (mini) $? my Dad purchased this while overseas in Europe. 5. SJP/NYC by Sarah Jessica Parker $ around 45 from most perfume stores and chemists.

 I hope you like my favourite bits and pieces. xx